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围绕高级门用五金系统,美爵建立起更全面更系统化的品牌体系,满足更多高端需求。 旗下拥有自主品牌美爵五金Marjorie(意大利注册)、AAS移门(瑞士注册)以及战略合作品牌AGB(意大利原装进口)。
美爵五金, 专注于铜制高端平开门五金 以及家具五金, 产品范围涵盖 各项平开门用五金, 提供更丰富的产品组合选择 与方案配套。
Marjorie is focus on brass hardware for swing door and furniture, the wide range of product enable us toprovide various and professional configurations.
成立于1947年, 意大利品牌AGB是欧洲市场 占有率最大的锁体锁芯企业。 AGB以专利技术领先行业水平, 其产品已成为高端门把手品牌的必配功能件。 美爵获得AGB的官方授权, 成为战略合作伙伴。
Founded in 1947.AGB is the largest hardware company in Europe, who is specialized in lock,cylinder andhinge.The performance of their product are so amazing that it becomes the first choice of the top handlecompany around the world .
AAS Sliding Solution 移门系统解决方案, 致力于打造国际顶尖的移门系统, 展示出来自瑞士的精致工业设计 所带来的极简美爵与完美的使用体验。 集合行业顶尖的设计团队, 设计研发移门系统的顶尖配置产品, 为家居提供功能强大且外观极具品味的 整体移门方案。
AAS, a professional brand for sliding solution from swiss, has a professional design team who are devoted to performing the top sliding system and providing a wide range productsfor sliding doors, showing the fine design philosopphy from swiss,a nd narrating the great enjoyment of modern life style.